A Day In Life Of Attending Zoom University

Sheldon Cooper
4 min readOct 7, 2020


Here is what it’s like to be doing first-year of college online nowadays. Take a glimpse into my (virtual) life

I didn’t understand the hype with the coined term “Zoom University” however I found myself using the buzzword, surprisingly, in day-to-day conversations.

It’s quite a convenient term really. People often understand what it means and what it entails without needing greater emphasis. Even a slight mention of online classes lead to a reaction of furrowed eyebrows, pitied looks, and sympathetic head nods.

Anyway, like the change in perspective, so did my schedule for what was supposed to be an ideal term.

Here’s what a (now) “typical” Monday looks like for me. Though the purpose of this is to hopefully no longer make you give a sympathetic head nod to the next student who says they’re doing school virtually because while it is a tad unconventional, in the grand scheme of things, it isn’t too shabby (so far) I guess:

8:30AM — My 9 year old sister attempts to wake me up by vigorously hitting my arm. Shen then proceeds to explain her dream from the night while I snag the extra 15 minutes of sleep I can get (I’ve learnt to snooze her tales).

9:00AM — I’m out of bed and have finished a quick shower. I grab my Apple Watch from the dock (because time management, right?) then prepare to set up my desk. I work in the dinning room since my siblings infiltrate my room with minuscule lego.

9:15AM — I start the day by looking through my to-do list that I’ve prepared from the night before. After which, I start to do my morning journal where I write 1 thing I’m happy about, 1 thing I want to let go, and 1 goal have for myself.

10:30AM — Class —my first class of the day is a physical education lecture. How funny times are when physical ed classes no longer score you for your physical capabilities but instead one’s understanding of the activity and oral presentation skills (English majors can literally just BS through their presentation haha).

11:30AM — I probably get hungry so I try to eat breakfast or (unhealthily) snack.

at 11:30am, I eat breakfast while reviewing my comp sci coursework with my trusty ti-inspire calc for later today

12:00PM — Work — I embarked an internship position with a nonprofit called Earth.org. So by this time, I would need to plan and schedule the social media posts for the rest of the day.

1:30PM — Class — My next class is a computer science tutorial. Despite it being an introductory course, I am currently struggling with this class because it’s designed for Year 2 Engineering students (context: I’m a Year 1 Economic & Stats student). Decided to keep the course because I’m currently learning a whole lot and also yolo (haha but *in tears*)

2:30PM — Class — With only a 15 minute break, I hop into my next class: english communications. I normally watch an episode or two of Modern Family since the course is quite straightforward however I ought to take it to fulfil my unit requirements.

4:30PM — Class — After a 2–hour lecture and 15 minute interval, I type in the Meeting ID on Zoom for my next and last class of the day: ECON1101A Basic Microeconomics. It runs until 6:15PM so I try my best very to stay concentrated into the material and not wander off (lolll it’s the thought that counts)

6:30PM — Debate Session — I joined the varsity debate team in my school. It is really the only time when I truly wind down and relax but I also spend my remaining brain cells into a heated intellectual discourse. Last session, we debated on the following motion: THW set minimum quotas for minorities and females serving in the board of directors for large companies. I was opening government so it was a very fun round.

9:30PM — !!! I’m done for the day. I complete my impending tasks, start on new problem sets, and prepare for the next day.

I’ve developed a bad habit of sleeping at an ungodly hour of the night. I promise myself it’ll be a quick one episode however end up sucked into the show then in a matter of moments, it’s 4AM.

On a more brighter light, one of my better habits are reading before I doze of. However this happens only occasionally. Anything for sheer entertainment, yes ?

All in all, I have spent more real time hours on Zoom than Instagram these past first few weeks. Throughout the whole lockdown, I had more time to pursue the activities I enjoyed, a chance to figure out what I don’t enjoy as well, and find some semblance of serenity. Also taught my 7 year old sister to bike. These are all things I wouldn’t be able to do if school was commended noRMaLLy, for whatever it’s worth.

carpe diem :) seize the day!



Sheldon Cooper
Sheldon Cooper

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